How should companies measure their social media marketing success?

My answer to How should companies measure their social media marketing success?

Answer by MyCity Social:

Too many companies measure their social media marketing success by only counting esoteric measures such as "Likes" and "Followers". These measure don't go so far enough, over 80% of people that "Like" a Facebook business page never return to it again.

There are three ways to measure your social media marketing success :

1. REACH – The number of people you have impacted with your social media content. If everyone is ignoring you in the social media world, you're doing something wrong and you'll never produce results. Reach will give you a good understanding of how attractive your social media content is to your target audience.

2. ENGAGEMENT – To engage people with social media you need to create valuable content that inspire people. If your engagement power is low, you need to improve your content.

3. CONVERSION – 'Conversion' will tell you how many people took the next step to enter your lead generation funnel and join your marketing database. For social media marketing success is to use your website as the 'Hub' of your social media content, always linking back to content on your website in your social networking posts.

How should companies measure their social media marketing success?

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